Guidelines for ICBMS4 Presenters


Each presenter will have 15 minutes to present their paper. Each session consists of 4 presenters and lasts a total of 90 minutes. We strongly request presenters to prepare their presentations to stay with the allotted time. (If a panel or roundtable has more than 4 presenters, participants can arrange the time themselves, within the 90 minute limit). At the end of the session, after every presenter has presented, there will be 30 minutes for comments and questions from the discussant and from the audience.

Session chairs will make sure that your presentation stays within the allotted time, and may stop you when time is up.


Onsite Presenters

Participants can use a powerpoint or their preferred visual method to deliver their presentation. The conference room will have a projector and computer for use during presentation. In case of poster presentation or other visual methods, presenters will be responsible for preparation. Please let the ICBMS4 staff know in advance if you require additional assistance or technical support.

Please send your powerpoint and/or pdf files to by 25 July 2024 with the Subject “ICBMS4_POWERPOINT_YOUR FULL NAME”

Online Presenters

Online presenters, will need to pre-record their presentation and send the recording to the conference organizer in advance to minimize technical issues on conference day. Presenters, however, still must join the session in real time via zoom on the conference day to answer questions and discussion from the floor.

When recording, please make sure that your presentation is audible without distracting background noise. Recordings must not exceed 15 minutes.

Please send the recording of your video to by 20 July 2024 with the subject “ICBMS4_RECORDING_FULLNAME”.

On Conference Day

For onsite presenters, we encourage you to arrive at your assigned room 10-15 minutes before the session starts. The chairs of the sessions will start the session according to schedule unless there are announcements of change or cancellation from the organizers.

For online presenters, please join through the zoom link 10-15 minutes before the session starts. During discussion and Q&A, you will need to answer questions and engage in the discussion. Zoom links will be sent to you after submission of your presentation recording.

Please ensure that your zoom user name is the same name that you used to register with the conference. Otherwise, we cannot give you access if we cannot identify that you are a presenter for that particular session. Additionally, as we will not open the conference for an online audience, online presenters will not be able to join other sessions as audience members.