Plenary 5: The Role of ASEAN and its Neighboring Countries in Assemblages of the Future

ICBMS4 Plenary session 5, “The Role of ASEAN and its Neighbouring Countries in Assemblages of the Future: What’s Next?” from 16:30 to 18:30 in the main conference room (UNISERV 2F).

The final and closing session of ICBMS4 is a discusion between Ambassador Gautam Mukhopadhaya, Senior Visiting Fellow, Center for Policy Research; Professor Francis Loh Kok Wah, Senior Advisor, Forum of Federations and former Prof of SEAsian Politics, Universiti Sains Malaysia; Dr. Johan Saravanamuttu, Adjunct Professor at Asia Europe Institute, University of Malaya and Professor Emeritus, Science University Malaysia (USM); and Dr. Surachanee Sriyai, Visiting Fellow at ISEAS Yusof-Ishak Institute, Singapore. The discussion will be chaired by Dr. Surichai Wan’gaeo, Director, Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, Chulalongkorn University.

The ongoing crisis in Myanmar has significant implications for Southeast Asia and its neighboring countries, prompting a need for strategic and impactful responses from ASEAN and its neighboring countries. This roundtable will critically examine how ASEAN and India can effectively address the immediate and long-term needs of Myanmar beyond geopolitical considerations. Speakers will explore potential steps that regional bodies can take action on, moving beyond traditional state-to-state collaboration.

The discussion will focus on essential sectors, with a strong emphasis on practical steps and strategies that can lead to future stability and development. Additionally, the roundtable will highlight how different sectors, outside of formal avenues like ASEAN summits, can be mobilized to effectively respond to the situation in Myanmar. Speakers will explore the potential for ASEAN and its neighbors to create a comprehensive framework for cooperation in education and health, leveraging each country’s strengths. By critically examining current approaches and proposing forward-thinking solutions, the session seeks to outline a possibility for regional collaboration that transcends traditional diplomatic dialogues and focuses on diverse sectors. The goal is to foster a more resilient and supportive regional framework that can address the immediate needs and long-term aspirations of the people of Myanmar.