Multiple book talks and four volumes of new research will be launched during ICBMS3 in separate sessions throughout the conference.
Book Launch: Migration and Women’s Land Tenure Rights and Security in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region: Case Studies from Thailand, Lao PDR and Myanmar
5 Mar 2021, 15.15-16.30 (Session 12)
This book considers interlinkages between migration, gender and land tenure. It explores how migration affects women’s land tenure security, and in turn the ways in which women’s control over land shapes patterns of migration through case studies in Laos, eastern Myanmar, and a village in northeast Thailand. Author Soimart Rungmanee and contributor Daniel Hayward will be joined by other authors (to be announced) to discuss this new publication.
Book Talk & Discussion: Understanding Myanmar’s Development Series
6 Mar 2021 15.15-16.45 (Session 30)
Three new volumes in the “Understanding Myanmar’s Development” have been just recently published by RCSD with the support of IDRC. Covering topics ranging from the Kaladan Project linking Myanmar with India, undue influence in compensation and resettlement schemes for a government hydropower project, and Karen customary communal ownership of land in the Taninthary region, these new monographs will be discussed by Dr Siya Uthai and Dr Amporn Jirattikorn (thesis advisors of two of the authors), and at least one of the authors of “Dam Displacement and Local Power” (to be confirmed) along with Elliot Lodge, who worked closely with the authors throughout their research.
Book Talk and Discussion: Space, Place and Identity: New Perspectives on Citizenship in Myanmar.
6 Mar 2021 13.30-15.00 (session 24)
Editors Dr Michael Griffiths and Dr Tamas Wells discuss the various conundrums wracking Myanmar viewed through the lens of everyday expressions of citizenship—an active attempt to move beyond usual framings of historical grievances and politicized ethno-religious definitions.
Video Book Introduction: Doing Research Assessment in Myanmar
7 Mar 2021 10.15-11.45 (session 36)
Francesco Obino from the Global Development Network (GDN) discusses how this project maps the research framework in Myanmar from research production and diffusion to uptake with the aim of identifying key capacity building areas.