Plenary: Reflections on the Military Coup and CDM in Myanmar

Saturday begins with the ICBMS3 plenary session, “Reflections on the military coup and Civil Disobedience Movement in Myanmar” with three speakers taking on the elephant in the room: the coup and the anti-coup CDM movement.

Speakers include: Dr. Khin Mar Mar Kyi, International Gender Studies, The University of Oxford, “Thanakha’s Defiance: Generations, Gender & Social Movement in Myanmar against the Military Regime”

Naw May Oo Mutraw, Senior Policy Advisor, The Salween Institute for Public Policy, “Burma: a Chronic Constitutional Crisis and a Call for a New Political Culture”

Dr. Ashley South, Research Fellow, Chiang Mai University
“Reflections on the Military coup, People’s anti-coup Movement, and Ethnic Nationality Actors”

Please join us here on this website + livestream (registration is free), through zoom, or watch us on Facebook live, starting at 9.15 am Saturday 6 March, Thailand time, 8:45 am Myanmar time.